
Friday, October 28, 2011

Marshmallow Hot Chocolate

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Since the first moment I saw this picture I wanted so badly to make my own home-made hot chocolate. In 90% of chick flick movies there's mom or dad that makes to beautiful heroine a cup of home-made hot cocoa and adds a few marshmallows, which, apparently, makes them feel better because it's sooooo good! OK then, I tried. And I made it! Both the hot cocoa and the marshmallows. Actually, they are very easy to make! Here's how.

For the marshmallows, you will need
240 ml cold water, divised
21 gr gelatine
400 gr sugar
240 ml honey
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
4-5 cups of confectioners (powdered) sugar

How to put it together
1. Grease a 33x23x5 cm pan. It's very important to choose your pan wisely because the thickness and length of your marshmallow depends on this. This size is perfect because it's not so thick, not so big. Just perfect. You could use a smaller one for thicker and a smaller amount of marshmallow or use a bigger one for slimmer marshmallow.
2. Apply a baking sheet all over the pan, including the edges, and spread about 4-5 spoons of powdered sugar.
3. Set aside.

1. Put 120 ml of water in a big bowl. And when I say big I mean it, because your marshmallow will triple its quantity.
2. Spread the gelatine over the water and let it sit for 15 minutes.

1. In a big saucepan, mix together sugar, honey, salt and the remaining water. Leave it over medium heat until the sugar has melted .
2. Cover the saucepan and let it boil for about 3 minutes. Pay attention because it will expand!
3. Uncover and boil for another 10 minutes, over high heat, without stirring.
4. Remove from heat.
5. Mix at low speed, slowly adding the syrup over the water and gelatine, by making a small stream on the side of the bowl.
6. Gradually increase speed and mix until it has tripled its quantity and it's very thick, about 10 minutes.
7. Add the vanilla and mix for another 30 seconds.

1. Put the mix into the pan and spread it well with a wet spoon.
2. Spread another 4-5 spoons of powdered sugar and let it sit for 12 hours, over room temperature, uncovered.
3. Using a wet knife, remove the baking sheet from the marshmallow.
4. Using wet scissors, cut the marshmallow into medium pieces.
5. In a bowl add the remaining powdered sugar. Add the marshmallow pieces in there and mix them together with the sugar so that they are not sticky anymore.
6. Sift the remaining sugar from the marshmallows and store them in a bowl.
You can store them for up to 2 weeks, at room temperature. This is mine:

Now for the hot chocolate you will need
4 cups milk
1 cup whipped cream (from a box)
3 chocolates (whichever you prefer)
2 spoons cocoa

1. Cut the chocolate into small pieces.
2. Put the milk in a saucepan, over high heat.
3. When the milk is slightly warm, add the whipped cream. From now on, keep on stirring.
4. Add the bits of chocolate slowly, waiting for each bunch to melt.
5. Add the cocoa and keep on stirring until it becomes slightly thicker.
6. Serve with marshmallows and no sugar.
TIP: I prefer eating the marshmallows when surrounded by chocolate and a little melted, try it.

I know this is not baking, but it's too delicious and too easy, you have to try it! Bon appétit!


De cand am vazut prima data fotografia asta mi-am dorit foaaarte mult sa stiu sa-mi fac ciocolata calda. In 90% din filmele pentru femei mama sau tata ii face frumoasei eroine o cana de ciocolata calda si adauga cateva bezele care, aparent, o fac sa se simta mai bine pentru ca sunt ataaaat de bune! OK, am incercat. Si am si reusit! Atat ciocolata calda, cat si bezelele. Sunt chiar foarte usor de facut. Uite cum.

Pentru bezele (marshmallows), ai nevoie de
240 ml apa, impartita
21 gr gelatina
400 gr zahar
240 ml miere
1/4 lingurita sare
2 lingurite esenta de vanilie
4-5 cani zahar pudra

Cum se face
1. Unge o tava de 33x23x5 cm. E foarte important sa iti alegi tava cu atentie pentru ca de ea depind grosimea si lungimea bezelei tale. Aceasta e marimea perfecta pentru ca nu e nici prea groasa, nici prea mare. Ai putea folosi o tava mai mica pentru o bezea mai groasa, dar mai putina, sau o tava mai mare pentru o bezea mai subtire, dar mai multa.
2. Pune foaie de copt peste tot, inclusiv pe marginile tavii. Imprastie4-5 linguri de zahar pudra.
3. Lasa deoparte.

1. Pune 120 ml de apa intr-un bol mare. Si cand zic mare inseamna mare pentru ca bezeaua isi va tripla cantitatea in bolul ala.
2. Imprastie gelatina peste apa si las-o sa actioneze 15 minute.

1. Intr-o oala mare, amesteca zaharul, mierea, sarea si apa ramasa. Lasa-le la foc mediu pana se topeste zaharul.
2. Pune-i capac si lasa sa fiarba 3 minute. Ai grija pentru ca o sa se umfle.
3. Scoate capacul si fierbe inca 10 minute, la foc mare, fara sa amesteci.
4. Ia de pe foc.
5. La viteza mica, mixeaza incet adaugand siropul printr-un "rau" la marginea bolului.
6. Mareste gradual viteza si amesteca pana s-a triplat cantitatea si este foarte continutul este foarte gros, aproximativ 10 minute.
7. Adauga esenta de vanilie si mai bate 30 secunde.

1. Pune amestecul in tava si intinde-l bine cu o lingura uda.
2. Imprastie 4-5 linguri de zahar pudra peste si lasa bezeaua 12 ore la temperatura camerei, neacoperita.
3. Folosind un cutit ud, da la o parte foaia de copt.
4. Folosid o foarfeca uda, taie bezeaua in bucatele de marime medie.
5. Intr-un bol adauga zaharul pudra ramas. Imprastie bezelele acolo pana nu mai sunt lipicioase.
6. Scutura zaharul de pe ele si pune-le intr-un bol.
Le poti pastra timp de 2 saptamani, la temperatura camerei.

Pentru ciocolata calda vei avea nevoie de
4 cani lapte
1 cana frisca nepregatita, la cutie
3 ciocolate (oricare vrei tu, eu am folosit ciocolata neagra)
2 linguri cacao

1. Taie ciocolata in bucatele mici.
2. Pune laptele intr-o oala, la foc mare.
3. Cand laptele e caldut, adauga frisca. De acum inainte, amesteca in continuu.
4. Adauga cate un pumn de ciocolata, asteptand mereu sa se topeasca inainte de a-l pune pe urmatorul.
5. Adauga cacaoa si amesteca pana cand devine putin gros.
6. Serveste cu bezele si fara zahar.
SFAT: Eu prefer sa mananc bezelele inainte de a fi topite, cand sunt pline de ciocolata. Incearca!

Stiu ca nu am copt nimic, dar e prea delicios si prea usor ca sa nu incerci. Bon appétit!

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