
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Biscuit Bombs

Mai jos găsiți și textul în limba română! 

Found this one in a magazine. They're delicious! All you need is:

400 grams biscuits (vanilla or cocoa, I used cocoa biscuits)
3 tablespoons sugar
1 cup water
200 grams margarine
coconut flakes
stoneless cherries
rum and vanilla flavors

1. Melt the sugar in the water over low heat. Add the cocoa and the flavors and bring to a boil.
2. Smash the biscuits and mix with the syrup.
3. Add the margarine.
4. Make small triangles and put a cherry in there, then make them round-shaped.
5. Roll them in the coconut flakes.
6. Refrigerate for at least one hour before serving.

Bon appétit!


Am gasit reteta asta intr-o revista. Sunt delicioase! Ai nevoie doar de:

400 grame biscuiti (vanilie sau ciocolata, eu am folosit de ciocolata)
3 linguri zahar
1 cana apa
200 grame margarina
fulgi de cocos
visine din visinata sau din compot, fara samburi
esente de vanilie si de rom

1. Topeste zaharul in apa la foc mic. Adauga cacaoa si esentele si asteapta pana fierbe.
2. Piseaza bine biscuitii si adauga siropul peste ei.
3. Adauga margarina.
4. Fa mici triunghiuri in care baga visinele, apoi fa din ele bilute.
5. Da-le prim fulgii de cocos.
6. Baga la frigider minim o ora inainte de a servi.

Bon appétit!

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