
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Chocolate Caramel Apples

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Hello again! Only 23 more days 'til Christmas and I can't wait! So I tried two recipes for the holidays: Chocolate Caramel Apples (with coconut or peanuts) and Homemade Chocolate (Fudge), that will be detailed in another post.

I love chocolate apples! They look so pretty and they're so easy to make. For 9 apples, you will need:
600-700 gr chocolate of your choice (6-7 chocolate bars), I chose the one with caramel because it gives a great aroma
9 apples of course
2 tablespoons water
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. First of all, wash the apples really good. Stick some twigs in the apples, maybe from your own garden.
2. Place the apples on a aluminum foil that has been greased with butter.
3. Then, melt the chocolate and water over bain-marie. Mix often until they melt completely.
4. Add the vanilla.
5. Roll the apples through the chocolate. You may need to use a wooden spoon to sort of pour the chocolate on the apples.
6. If you want, roll them through some coconut, peanuts, nuts or any other thing you like.
7. Place them on the aluminum foil and let them cool completely for 1-2 hours before serving.

Bon appétit!


Salut! Mai sunt doar 23 de zile pana la Craciun si nu mai am rabdare! Am incercat doua retete pentru sarbatori: mere invelite in ciocolata cu caramel (cu cocos sau arahide) si ciocolata de casa, care va fi detaliata in alt post.

Ador merele invelite in ciocolata! Sunt foarte dragute si foarte usor de facut. Pentru 9 mere, vei avea nevoie de:
600-700 gr ciocolata de care vrei (6-7 ciocolate), eu am ales ciocolata cu caramel pentru ca da o aroma speciala
9 mere, desigur
2 linguri de apa
1/2 lingurita esenta de vanilie

1. In primul rand, spala foarte bine merele. Baga niste crengute in ele, poate chiar din gradina ta.
2. Asaza merele pe o folie de aluminiu unsa cu unt.
3. Acum topeste ciocolata si apa la bain-marie. Amesteca des pana s-au topit complet.
4. Adauga vanilia.
5. Invarte merele prin ciocolata. S-ar putea sa ai nevoie de o lingura de lemn ca sa torni ciocolata pe ele.
6. Daca vrei, rostogoleste-le si prin niste cocos sau arahide pisate, nuci sau orice vrei.
7. Pune-le pe folia de aluminiu si lasa-le sa se raceasca complet, aproximativ 1-2 ore, inainte de a le servi.

Bon appétit!

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