
Sunday, October 30, 2011

To Bake or To Burn Croissants

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It's 1 am and I just finished baking some @#$%^&*! croissants. The recipe seemed so good, a little difficult in terms of time, but altogether it was perfect. Something went wrong though. I won't even bother to post the recipe because they're not worth it. You have to make the dough, then refrigerate it for 30 minutes, then for an hour, then you add butter and refrigerate for 20 minutes three times!! After 2 and a half hours, you still have to wait one hour so that the butter can melt at room temperature. Then bake 3 pans for 15 to 20 minutes. And I was stupid enough to follow all of this!! If anyone out there has a good, legit recipe for soft croissants that melt when you eat them, please contact me! Here goes nothing:

LATER EDIT: yup, the recipe was almost all wrong. GREAT!
E 1 noaptea si tocmai am terminat de copt niste @#$%^&*! de croisante. Reteta parea foarte buna, cam nasol cu timpul, dar parea perfecta. Ceva s-a-ntamplat. N-o sa mai postez reteta pentru ca n-are sens. Trebuie sa faci aluatul, apoi sa-l bagi la frigider 30 minute, il scoti si-l bagi iar inca o ora, adaugi untul si-l bagi iar la frigider timp de 20 de minute si repeti figura de inca doua ori!! Dupa doua ore jumate mai trebuie sa astepti o ora sa se topeasca untul la temperatura camerei. Dupa coci 3 tavi timp de 15-20 minute. Si totusi eu am facut toate astea!! Daca cineva are vreo reteta buna si sigura pentru croasante moi care ti se topesc in gura, va rog sa ma contactati!

LATER EDIT: mda, reteta era aproape toata gresita. SUPER!

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