
Monday, November 14, 2011

Perfect Breakfast Muffins

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I'm a bit depressed today and when I am depressed or stressed out I bake. I woke up hungry so I made some breakfast muffins in about 40 minutes. They were - as mentioned in the title - the perfect breakfast muffins!

Don't they look amazing? And the smell, oh my god! When I first checked them out to see if they were ready I was hit by this gorgeous smell of cinnamon, carrots and apples! It felt like Christmas... Anyway, here's what you'll need for 15 muffins:
2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup sugar
3 big carrots, chopped
1/2 cup raisins
i also added 1/2 cup sunflower seeds, hulled
3 big eggs
1/2 cup oil
3/4 cup yogurt
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 big apple, peeled, cored and chopped

You could also add some other kinds of seeds, dry fruits, bananas etc. Let's put it together!
1. Preheat oven at 350 F, 180 C and prepare muffin pan.
2. Mix all the dry ingredients, including the carrots.
3. Mix all the wet ingredients, including the apple.
4. Mix everything together.
5. Spoon batter into muffin pan.
6. Bake, don't burn for about 25-30 minutes.

Bon appétit!

Sunt putin deprimata astazi si cand sunt deprimata sau stresata gatesc. Mi-era foame cand m-am trezit asa ca am pregatit niste muffins in aproximativ 40 minute. Sunt - asa cum spune si titlul - muffins-urile perfecte! Nu-i asa ca arata incredibil? Si mirosul, doamne! Cand m-am dus prima data sa verific daca s-au copt m-a izbit un miros fantastic de scortisoara, morcovi si mar! Am simtit ca e Craciunul... Trecand peste, de asta aveti nevoie pentru 15 muffins:

2 cani faina
2 lingurite praf de copt
1 lingurita scortisoara
1/4 lingurita sare
2/3 cana zahar
3 morcovi mari, tocati
1/2 cana stafide
eu am folosit si 1/2 cana seminte de floarea-soarelui, decojite
3 oua mari
1/2 cana ulei
3/4 cana iaurt
2 lingurite esenta de vanilie
1 mar mare, decojit, fara cotor si tocat

Puteti adauga si alte tipuri de seminte, fructe confiate, banane etc. Hai sa facem muffins!
1. Preincalzeste cuptorul la 350 F, 180 C si pregateste tava de muffins.
2. Amesteca toate ingredientele uscate, inclusiv morcovii.
3. Amesteca toate ingredientele umede, inclusiv marul.
4. Amesteca totul impreuna.
5. Pune aluatul in tava de muffins.
6. Coace, nu arde aproximativ 25-30 minute.

Bon appétit!

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