
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Super Fast Chocolate Cake with Perfect Ganache

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Although this is a recipe for a semi-lequid chocolate cake, I made it into a solid chocolate cake recipe. I'm sorry for the missing piece of cake, I thought about making the ganache after eating the first piece.

Here's what you'll need:
170 grams unsweetened chocolate (or whichever chocolate you like)
3 tablespoons butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
6 tablespoons flour

1. Preheat oven at 350 F, 180 C and grease a cake pan (about 17.5 cm). I didn't have a cake pan then so I used a pie pan.
2. Melt the chocolate and butter over a bain-marie (some water in a pot over medium fire, chocolate in another pot over the water one, mix until melted).
3. Beat the eggs and sugar for about 5 minutes.
4. Add the flour and mix.
5. Add the melted chocolate.
6. Put the mix into the cake pan.
7. Bake, don't burn 10 minutes max at about 200 C. Check with a toothpick if it's done.
8. Cool for 5 minutes before topping it with the ganache.

The ganache is the easiest to make, of course. Just melt about 200 grams of chocolate and 2 tablespoons of butter over a bain-marie and then top your cake with it. I used unsweetened chocolate for this too.

Bon appétit!


Desi reteta asta era pentru un tort semi-lichid, am transformat-o intr-o reteta pentru un tort solid de ciocolata. Imi pare rau pentru bucata de tort lipsa, insa m-am gandit sa fac ganaghe dupa ce am gustat din prima felie de tort.

Iata de ce veti avea nevoie:
170 grame de ciocolata amaruie (sau oricare va place)
3 linguri unt
1 cana zahar
2 oua
6 linguri faina

1. Preincalzeste cuptorul la 350 F, 180 C si unge cu unt o tava de tort (aproximativ 17.5 cm). Eu inca nu avea tava de tort atunci, asa ca am folosit o tava de tarta.
2. Topeste ciocolata si untul la bain-marie (putina apa intr-o oala la foc mediu, ciocolata intr-un alt vas asezat peste cel cu apa, amesteca pana se topeste).
3. Bate ouale si zaharul aproximativ 5 minute.
4. Adauga faina si amesteca.
5. Adauga ciocolata topita.
6. Pune mixul in tava.
7. Coace, nu arde maxim 10 minute la aproximativ 200 C. Verifica cu o scobitoare daca e facut.
8. Lasa la racit 5 minute inainte sa torni ganache-ul.

Ganache-ul este cel mai usor de facut, bine-nteles. Topeste aproximativ 200 grame de ciocolata si 2 linguri de unt la bain-marie, apoi decoreaza tortul cu el. Eu am folosit ciocolata amaruie si pentru ganache.

Bon appétit!

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