
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Lemon Charlotte

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This one was a small waste of time... First time I tried making a charlotte it looked and tasted awful, that was last year. This year I got another recipe and tried my best. Fail level: 20%, I totally screwed the cake layers, but only because of the stupid recipe! It said to bake it 20-25 minutes and after one hour it wasn't baked in the middle. My oven works perfectly well, I have baked cake layers before (for the Coconut Cake for example) and they were awesome, but this time I don't know what happened. So I threw it out and used a packaged one. This is how it looks like:

Niiiiice, right? This is what you'll need (except for the cake layer. You can use packaged ones or make them yourself with the recipe from my Coconut Cake):

depending on the size of your cake you will need from 20 to 30 ladyfingers, cut at one end so they're straight and even
2 packages vanilla, strawberry, lemon or any instant pudding of your choice (I used lemon pudding, that's why it's called a lemon charlotte)
1/2 cup whipping cream
1/4 cup berries jam
1 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
2 cups fresh or frozen berries (unfrozen before starting)
1 square chocolate chopped

1. Prepare the pudding following the instructions on its package.
2. Add the whipping cream and mix until well combined. Put in the fridge until ready to use.
3. Prepare the cake layers: place bottom layer in prepared pan or cake stand (I used my cake stand and a cake pan's removable sides). Put in the ladyfingers.
4. Mix the jam with the lemon juice and add it to the cake layer.
5. Top that with a layer of pudding, then with fresh berries (be careful not to use them all because you'll need some for decoration too). Cake layer - pudding - cake layer - pudding, until you're finished.
6. Top cake with a few berries and refrigerate for a few hours before taking out the standing pan.
7. Tie it with a nice ribbon for a beautiful presentation.

*I also added some cherry brandy, that's why it's a bit pink.*

I hope you enjoy it! Bon appétit!

Sarlota cu lamaie

Asta a fost putin pierdere de vreme... Prima data cand am incercat sa fac sarlota arata oribil si avea un gust la fel de oribil, asta anul trecut. Anul asta am luat o alta reteta si m-am chinuit sa iasa bine. Fail level: 20%, am ratat blatul, dar numai din cauza retetei! Zicea ca sa il coc 20-25 minute, dar dupa o ora tot nu era copt in mijloc. Cuptorul meu functioneaza perfect, doar am mai copt blaturi (pentru Tortul de cocos, de exemplu) si au iesit awesome, dar de data asta nu stiu ce s-a-ntamplat. Asa ca l-am aruncat si am folosit unul cumparat. Uite cum arata ^

Dragut, nu? Uite de ce o sa ai nevoie (in afara de blat. Poti folosi unul cumparat sau sa-l faci folosind reteta de la Tortul de cocos):

in functie de marimea tortului tau, vei avea nevoie de 20-30 piscoturi, taiate la un capat astfel incat sa stea drepte si la acelasi nivel
2 pachete de budinca instant de vanilie, capsune, lamaie sau orice alta aroma vrei tu (eu am folosit de lamaie, d-aia se numeste asa)
1/2 cana frisca lichida
1/4 cana gem de fructe de padure
1 1/2 lingurita suc de lamaie
2 cani fructe de padure proaspete sau congelate (decongelate dinainte)
1 bucatita ciocolata, taiata marunt

1. Prepara budinca folosind instructiunile de pe pachet.
2. Adauga frisca si bate pana la omogenizare. Baga la frigider pana o folosesti.
3. Pregateste blaturile: pune ultimul blat in tava pregatita sau pe suportul de tort (eu am folosit suportul de tort si marginile rabatabile ale tavii de tort). Pune piscoturile.
4. Amesteca gemul cu lamaia si pune-le pe blat.
5. Adauga un strat de budinca, apoi cateva fructe de padure (ai grija sa nu le folosesti pe toate pentru ca vei avea nevoie si pentru decorarea tortului). Blat - budinca - blat - budinca, pana ai terminat.
6. Pune cateva fructe de padure deasupra si baga la frigider cateva ore inainte sa scoti marginile de la forma de tort.
7. Leaga cu o panglica draguta pentru o prezentare frumoasa.

*Eu am folosit si niste visinata deasupra, d-aia e asa roz*

Sper sa va placa! Bon appétit!

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