
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Chocolant (almost) Coulant

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I almost nailed it, I only need the perfect ramekins (which I don't have yet). I used silicone muffin shapes and they cooked entirely instead of having a soft center.

I love how it looks, I would stare at it for hours, it's that beautiful! It also tastes good, I used 3 different types of chocolate: white, semi-sweet and dark chocolate - for better flavor. Here's what you need:

2 big sticks of butter
170 gr chocolate
2 eggs
2 egg yolks
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons coffee

1. Preheat oven at 450 F or 230 C.
2. Butter your ramekins or whatever shapes or pans you use.
3. Melt the butter and chocolate over bain-marie.
4. Beat eggs, egg yolks, sugar and salt over medium speed until it has a light yellow color.
5. Add a small amount of the chocolate mix into the egg mix. Mix for about 2 minutes.
6. Add the rest of the chocolate and mix well.
7. Add the flour and the coffee, mix well.
8. Spoon batter in ramekins/shapes/pan until 2/3 is full.
9. Bake, don't burn for 11-13 minutes or until the sides are baked and the center is still creamy.

Let it cool for 5 minutes before taking them out. Serve with a bit of confectioner's sugar and whipped cream on top.

Maybe you'll get lucky and actually get the "coulant" chocolate (flowing). Good luck and bon appétit!

Aproape mi-a iesit, doar ca-mi trebuie formele perfecte (pe care inca nu le am). Am folosit forme din silicon si s-au cam copt in intregime, in loc sa ramana mijlocul moale.

Ador cum arata, m-as holba la ele ore intregi, atat de frumoase sunt! Sunt si foarte gustoase, am folosit 3 tipuri de ciocolata: alba, normala si neagra - pentru mai multa savoare. Uite de ce ai nevoie:

jumatate de pachet de unt
170 gr ciocolata
2 oua
2 galbenusuri
1/4 cana zahar
1/4 lingurita sare
3 linguri faina
4 linguri cafea

1. Preincalzeste cuptorul la 230 C.
2. Unge cu unt formele sau tava pe care o folosesti.
3. Topeste untul si ciocolata la bain-marie.
4. Bate ouale, galbenusurile, zaharul si sarea la viteza medie pana au o culoare galbena pal.
5. Adauga putin din mixul de ciocolata si bate 2 minute.
6. Adauga restul si amesteca pana la omogenizare.
7. Adauga faina si cafeaua.
8. Pune aluatul in forme pana sunt 2/3 pline.
9. Coace, nu arde pentru 11-13 minute sau pana cand marginile sunt coapte, dar mijlocul ramane moale.

Lasa la racit 5 minute inainte de a scoate din forme. Serveste cu niste zahar vanilat deasupra si niste frisca.
Poate voua o sa va iasa ciocolata "coulant" (curgatoare). Succes si bon appétit!

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