
Friday, December 30, 2011

Perfect Giant Chessy Popovers

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I got a new phone for Christmas and it has all these fun apps I am eager to use. One of them is the Recipe App, which uses the internet to find the recipe you want, from different sources. Some time ago I discovered the popover, which is a kind of salty muffin, usually served for breakfast or lunch, instead of bread. They're empty inside. Last week I used my oh-so-awesome Recipe App for some popovers. But having only 2 eggs they didn't actually pop over, they looked like usual muffins and I was very disappointed.

Today, my dad asked for some popovers and an omelette for breakfast so I tried a new recipe. This time, the 8 eggs made the difference! Look:

This is what I used for 24 popovers:
popover pan (IKEA)
4 cups flour
4 cups milk
2 tablespoons salt
8 eggs
grated cheese
cooking spray or butter

1. Preheat oven at 350 F, 180 C. Spray your pan with a cooking spray or butter it. Place it in the oven.
2. Mix together flour and salt.
3. Heat milk until small bubbles form around the edges of the pan.
4. Whisk eggs. Slowly add milk to eggs, mixing constantly.
5. Gradually add the flour.
6. Remove pan from oven (be careful, it's HOT) and spoon batter so it's level to the top. Add cheese on top.
7. Bake 15 minutes, rotate pan 180 degrees, continue baking about 35 more minutes.
8. Serve immediately. Bon appétit!



Popover Uriase Perfecte

De Craciun am primit un telefon nou si are o groaza de aplicatii pe care abia astept sa le folosesc. Una dintre ele este aplicatia Recipe (Reteta), care foloseste internetul pentru a-ti gasi reteta dorita, de la mai multe surse. Acum ceva timp am descoperit popover (to pop - a sari + over - peste), un fel de muffin sarat, de-obicei servit la micul-dejun sau la pranz, in loc de paine. Sunt goale pe dinauntru. Saptamana trecuta am folosit aplicatia mea super tare pentru niste popovers. Dar avand doar 2 oua n-au prea sarit peste, aratau ca niste muffins normale si am fost foarte dezamagita.

Astazi, tata m-a rugat sa fac niste popovers si o omleta la micul-dejun, asa ca mi-am incercat noua reteta. De data asta cele 8 oua si-au facut efectul!

Iata ce-am folosit pentru 24 de popovers:
tava de popover (IKEA)
4 cani faina
4 cani lapte
2 linguri sare
8 oua
branza sau cascaval ras
spray de gatit (ulei in sticla de spray) sau unt

1. Preincalzeste cuptorul la 180 C, treapta 6. Unge-ti tava si pune-o in cuptor.
2. Amesteca faina cu sarea.
3. Incalzeste laptele la foc mediu pana face mici bule pe marginea vasului.
4. Amesteca ouale. Adauga incet laptele peste oua, amestecand continuu.
5. Adauga treptat si faina.
6. Scoate tava din cuptor (ai grija, e FIERBINTE) si umple cu aluat pana sus. Adauga branza deasupra.
7. Coace 15 minute, intoarce tava la 180 grade, continua sa coci inca 35 minute.
8. Serveste imediat. Bon appétit!

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