
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pâté de Pâques. French.

Mai jos găsiți și textul în limba română!    

Since we're moving to France later this year, I tried to make a French recipe for Easter. It's kind of the Romanian drob, but without the lamb meat. I can't eat lamb, so Easter for me is kind of a diet. I only eat eggs and Easter bread. This recipe is made throughout France, with little or no modifications.

It's stupid-easy! Here's what you'll need:
3 hard-boiled eggs
1 puff pastry (250 grams)
500gr sausage meat
200gr ground beef
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic (we loooove garlic so I put 4 actually)
a fistful of chopped parsley
salt, pepper
1 egg yolk

1. Preheat oven at 230 C/450 F.
2. Mix meat, onion, garlic, parsley, salt and pepper together.
3. Grease a baking pan with oil or butter and cover it with baking sheet.
4. Spread puff pastry and add half of the meat mix on it, like a sausage.
5. Add the eggs on top of the meat and cover them with the other half of meat mix. I forgot to take pictures here so you can check it out here and here.
6.  Close the puff pastry and brush it with egg yolk.

7. Bake, don't burn for 35 minutes at 200 C/400 F.
8. Turn the heat off and leave it to rest for half and hour in the oven.

It's delicious! Bon appétit!

Plăcintă de Paşti. Franţuzească.

Daca tot ne mutam anul asta in Franta, am incercat sa fac o reteta frantuzeasca pentru Pasti. Seamana cu drobul romanesc, dar fara carnea de miel. Nu pot sa mananc miel, asa ca Pastile pentru mine sunt ca o dieta.  Mananc doar oua si pasca. Reteta asta e facuta in toata Franta, cu modificari mici sau deloc.

E ca la prosti. Iata de ce ai nevoie:
3 oua fierte tari
1 aluat de placinta (250 gr)
500gr carne tocata de carnati
200gr carne tocata de vita
1 ceapa, tocata
2 catei de usturoi (noi adoraaam usturoiul asa ca am pus 4)
un pumn de patrunjel tocat
sare, piper
1 galbenus de ou

1. Preincalzeste cuptorul la 230 C/450 F.
2. Amesteca ceapa, carnea, usturoiul, patrunjelul, sarea si piperul.
3. Unge cu ulei sau unt o tava de copt si acoper-o cu foaie de copt.
4. Intinde aluatul in tava si adauga jumatate din mixul de carne, modelandu-l ca pe un carnat.
5. Adauga ouale fierte deasupra si acopera-le cu cealalta jumatate de carne. Am uitat sa fac poze aici, asa ca puteti sa vedeti cum trebuie facut aici si aici.
6. Inchide aluatul peste carne si unge-l cu galbenus de ou.
7. Coace, nu arde, timp de  35 de minute la 200 C/400 F.
8. Inchide caldura si mai lasa-l sa se odihneasca jumatate de ora in cuptor.

A fost delicios! Bon appétit!

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