
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Curry-Scrambled Tofu

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This dish is very easy. I made it because it's very healthy. For two servings you'll need:

350 gr tofu, cubed
1 green or red bell pepper
2 cloves garlic, pressed
half an onion, chopped
about 5 cherry tomatoes
1 tablespoon curry powder
pinch of paprika powder
1/4 cup vegetable broth
salt, pepper

For this recipe I used a non-stick pan, which doesn't require any oil.
1. Put the peppers in the pan, cook for 2 minutes, stirring often.
2. Add the garlic and cook for another minute.
3. Add the tofu, curry, paprika powder and some pepper. Stir constantly.
4. Pour in the broth and wait until it's all dissolved.
5. Add the onion and the tomatoes.
6. Leave on medium heat for about 2 more minutes and then remove from heat.


Tofu cu curry

Mancarea asta e foarte usor de facut. Am facut-o pentru ca e foarte sanatoasa. Pentru doua portii veti avea nevoie de:

350 gr tofu, cubulete
1 ardei gras rosu sau verde
2 catei de usturoi, pisati
jumatate de ceapa, tocata
aproximativ 5 rosii cherry
1 lingura praf de curry
un praf de boia
1/4 cana zeama de supa din legume
sare, piper

Pentru reteta asta am folosit o tigaie din teflon, care nu necesita ulei.
1. Pune ardeiul in tigaie, gateste pentru 2 minute, amestecand des.
2. Adauga usturoiul si gateste inca un minut.
3. Adauga tofu, curry, boia si niste piper. Continua sa amesteci.
4. Toarna supa si asteapta pana s-a evaporat.
5. Adauga ceapa si rosiile.
6. Lasa la foc mediu pentru inca 2 minute, apoi ia de pe foc.

Pofta buna!

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