
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Whole Grain Chocolate Chip Scones

As I was saying last week, we're moving to France this September. Major preparations have not started yet, but they're not that far away. Meanwhile, I'm learning to cook, but it's not all about food and staying in the kitchen. It starts with the grocery list.

Last time I made cupcakes, I made a short shopping list, adding all the ingredients so I knew exactly how much of each one to buy. For example, I bought 4 packages of butter, which I used to perfection. That's when it struck me: making a weekly menu ahead and buying just the things we need. This way, we'll have a strict menu that we have to follow, I cook everyday and learn new recipes (keeping only the ones we all like), we don't binge cause we have fresh, great food and we spend less money because we buy exactly what we need. We made a grocery list the day before, but of course, while shopping mom was like "oh do we need onions? I think we need onions!" and I was going out of my mind, but that's never going to change.

Anyway... I decided only to make healthy food, so yesterday we had omelette and fruit for breakfast, some awesome and very hot eggplant rolls stuffed with vegetables for lunch and the most awesome BLT salad for dinner, which my mom loved (finally!). The thing with mom is, she's never satisfied with anything I do. I don't have mommy-issues, it's just very annoying to hear someone complaining about your food every-f***ing-time like "it's not cooked well enough, not sweet enough, too sweet, too salty, too hot" - it's making me mad. So it was a big step for her to eat like 3 servings of my BLT salad and not complain. It wasn't too hot, not too salty, just plain awesome. I forgot to take pictures of both, but the bottom line is: you can put any vegetable/sauce you want in the eggplant stuffing and, for the salad, replace mayo with mustard and yogurt and add some pasta in it, it's great! Oh and cook the bacon in the stove so it's healthier!

Next up are our beautiful and tasty scones. Dad wanted something healthy for breakfast at work and I suggested these scones which he adored. Mom wanted to make them, but I helped too, giving her some advice. She still has some weird ideas about not eating stuff when they're hot (that's when they're at their best for $%^&'s sake) or kneading the hell out of a dough when it's just not necessary or can even harm it. The scones are made with whole grain flour, 85% dark chocolate and brown sugar and I think you already noticed how awesome they are!

Next up is my first (of course, awesome) bread!

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