
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Oh-my-God Vegetable Dip

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I just ate the most incredible dip ever! I don't like sauces, but I don't like plain vegetables either. So I mixed what I could find in the fridge and this amaaaazing sauce came out.

Here's what you'll need:

2 tablespoons light mayo
yogurt or other yogurt-based dressing
pinch of paprika powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
half an onion, chopped
half a teaspoon of very hot chilli sauce
salt, pepper
a small bowl or half a bell-pepper

Mix everything together. Put it in the bell-pepper so that you eat even more vegetables. Use it with steamed or grilled vegetables. This is my suggestion:



Sos incredibil pentru legume

Tocmai am mancat cel mai bun sos ever! Nu-mi plac sosurile de regula, dar nu-mi plac nici legumele simple.  Asa ca am amestecat ce-am gasit prin frigider si a iesit sosul asta incredibiiiiiil!

Iata de ce vei avea nevoie:

2 linguri maioneza light
iaurt sau alt dressing din iaurt
putin boia
1 lingurita pudra de usturoi
jumatate de ceapa, tocata
jumatate de lingurita de sos chilli foaaaarte iute
sare, piper
un bol mic sau jumatate de ardei gras

Amesteca totul. Toarna sosul in ardeiul gras ca sa mananci si mai multe legume! Foloseste-l cu legume fierte sau pe gratar. Iata sugestia mea.

Bon appétit!

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