
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Soy milk

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I first started making my own soy milk about 3 years ago, when I had a "food depression". I didn't want to eat any meat because it made me sick, just thinking about egg whites made me trow up and milk was just too greasy for me. I don't know what triggered this but it lasted for a year. I don't remember how I got the idea of making soy milk, but I remember dad being skeptic about me pulling this off. I also remember that the first time was horrible: soy, water and okara everywhere. Ohhh but I loved the milk!

So now I've started to eat healthy again, like 3 years ago. Milk is again making me sick. A few weeks ago, I drank some and I threw up 10 minutes later. I don't know why is this, but I've decided to make a lifestyle out of it. Also, meat doesn't look very good either. I still enjoy eggs though. Today, for breakfast, I made an egg-ham-cheese sandwich that was delicious + half a cup of watermelon. That's what I call healthy!

Anyway, soy milk! You're gonna need:

300 gr soy beans, left to soak over night in enough water to cover them a bit
water (3 cups of water for each cup of soy beans)
a blender
1 vanilla stick
1 tablespoon honey
1 big pot
cheesecloth or a handkerchief (I use a handkerchief)
big bowl

1. Okay, first of all, you need to leave the soy beans to soak over night, as I said before. You will notice they will double their volume.
2. Now, gather around one big pot and cover it with the material of choice (either cheesecloth or a handkerchief). Set aside. Prepare soy beans, water and blender.
3. Put a cup of soy beans into the blender, followed by 3 cups of water. Blend it!
4. Now transfer all of it onto the handkerchief. It should look like this.

Now take all the edges of the hankie and squeeze it all hard! The leftovers (okara), put them in the big bowl.  They may be used for cakes, polenta or muffins so you may want to keep it and dry it well. Now repeat until you run out of soy beans, haha!

5. Now you will see that a foam has formed. Remove it using a small strainer.
6. Add the vanilla stick and put the pot over medium heat and leave it for 20 minutes or until it starts to boil. Then add the honey and leave it another 5 minutes. Be careful because it will rise! Stay near the pot!

Remove from heat and leave it to cool. You can serve it hot or cold, as you like it. You can store it in the fridge. I don't actually remember its expiration date but I guess I'll find out this time.



Lapte de soia

Prima data am facut lapte de soia acum 3 ani, cand am avut o "depresie alimentara". Nu voiam sa mananc niciun fel de carne pentru ca mi se facea rau, doar gandindu-ma la albus de ou imi venea sa vomit, iar laptele devenise prea gras pentru mine. Nu stiu ce a declansat schimbarea asta, dar a durat un an. Nu-mi aduc aminte cum mi-a venit ideea sa fac lapte de soia, dar imi amintesc ca tata era foarte neincrezator ca as putea sa fac asta. Imi mai aduc aminte ca prima data a fost groaznic: soia, apa si okara peste tot. Uuuu dar am adorat laptele!

Acum am inceput sa mananc din nou sanatos, ca acum 3 ani. Laptele imi face rau din nou. Acum cateva saptamani, am baut putin si, dupa 10 minute, am vomitat. Nu stiu de ce se intampla asta, dar am decis sa devina un mod de viata. De asemenea, carnea nu-mi pare foarta apetisanta. Inca pot manca oua. Azi, la micul-dejun, mi-am facut un sandwich din ou, sunca si branza care a fost delicios + jumatate de cana de pepene rosu. Asta numesc eu sanatos!

Asaaa, lapte de soia! Vei avea nevoie de:

300 gr boabe de soia, lasate peste noapte la inmuiat cu destula apa incat sa le acopere putin
apa (3 cani de apa pentru fiecare cana de soia)
1 baton vanilie
1 lingura miere
1 oala mare
tifon sau o batista (eu folosesc batista)
un bol mare

1. Okay, in primul rand, va trebui sa lasi boabele de soia la inmuiat peste noapte, cum am mai spus. Vei observa ca li se va dubla volumul.
2. Acum, pune langa tine o oala mare si acoper-o cu materialul ales de tine (tifon sau batista). Pune deoparte. Pregateste boabele de soia, apa si blenderul.
3. Pune o cana de boabe de soia in blender, urmata de 3 cani de apa. Amesteca!
4. Acum transfera tot peste batista. Ar trebui sa arate ca in a doua imagine. Acum ia toate marginile batistei si stoarce bine de tot! Ce-a ramas, okara, pune-o intr-un bol mare. Poate fi folosita la aluaturi, mamaliga sau muffins asa ca poate vrei s-o pastrezi si s-o pui la uscat. Acum repeta pasii de mai sus pana ramai fara boabe de soia, haha!

5. Acum vei vedea ca s-a format o spuma. Scoate-o cu o strecuratoare mica.
6. Adauga batonul de vanilie si pune la foc mediu timp de 20 de minute sau pana incepe sa fiarba. Apoi adauga mierea si mai lasa 5 minute. Ai grija pentru ca va creste! Stai aproape de oala!

Ia de pe foc si lasa la racit. Il poti servi fierbinte sau rece, dupa cum iti place. Il poti tine in frigider. Nu-mi mai aduc aminte in cat timp expira, dar presupun ca voi afla de data asta.

Bon appétit!

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